0 товаров — 0 руб.
В корзине нет ни одного товара
Query error 42000: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'admin_voltup2.t.shop_currency_id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by. Query: SELECT MIN(t.absolute_price) AS `min`, MAX(t.absolute_price) AS `max` FROM (SELECT IF (`t`.`shop_currency_id` = '3', IF (COUNT(`shop_discounts`.`id`), ((`t`.`price` + IF(`shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` IS NULL OR `shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` = 1, 0, `t`.`price` * `shop_taxes`.`rate` / 100)) * (1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type` = 0, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)) / 100)) * 53 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type`, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)), (`t`.`price`) * 53), IF (`t`.`shop_currency_id` = '2', IF (COUNT(`shop_discounts`.`id`), ((`t`.`price` + IF(`shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` IS NULL OR `shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` = 1, 0, `t`.`price` * `shop_taxes`.`rate` / 100)) * (1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type` = 0, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)) / 100)) * 60 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type`, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)), (`t`.`price`) * 60), IF (`t`.`shop_currency_id` = '4', IF (COUNT(`shop_discounts`.`id`), ((`t`.`price` + IF(`shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` IS NULL OR `shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` = 1, 0, `t`.`price` * `shop_taxes`.`rate` / 100)) * (1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type` = 0, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)) / 100)) * 1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type`, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)), (`t`.`price`) * 1), IF (`t`.`shop_currency_id` = '1', IF (COUNT(`shop_discounts`.`id`), ((`t`.`price` + IF(`shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` IS NULL OR `shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` = 1, 0, `t`.`price` * `shop_taxes`.`rate` / 100)) * (1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type` = 0, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)) / 100)) * 1 - SUM(DISTINCT IF(`shop_discounts`.`type`, `shop_discounts`.`value`, 0)), (`t`.`price`) * 1), `t`.`price` + IF(`shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` IS NULL OR `shop_taxes`.`tax_is_included` = 1, 0, `t`.`price` * `shop_taxes`.`rate` / 100))))) AS `absolute_price` FROM `shop_items` INNER JOIN `shop_items` AS `t` ON `shop_items`.`id` = `t`.`modification_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `shop_item_discounts` ON `shop_items`.`id` = `shop_item_discounts`.`shop_item_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `shop_discounts` ON `shop_item_discounts`.`shop_discount_id` = `shop_discounts`.`id` AND `shop_discounts`.`active` = 1 AND `shop_discounts`.`deleted` = 0 AND `shop_discounts`.`start_datetime` <= '2024-10-18 10:43:14' AND ( `shop_discounts`.`end_datetime` >= '2024-10-18 10:43:14' OR `shop_discounts`.`end_datetime` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) LEFT OUTER JOIN `shop_taxes` ON `shop_taxes`.`id` = `shop_items`.`shop_tax_id` WHERE `t`.`shop_group_id` = 0 AND `t`.`modification_id` > 0 AND `t`.`deleted` = 0 AND `t`.`active` = 1 AND `shop_items`.`deleted` = 0 AND `shop_items`.`active` = 1 AND `shop_items`.`shop_group_id` = 707 AND ( `t`.`start_datetime` < '2024-10-18 10:43:14' OR `t`.`start_datetime` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) AND ( `t`.`end_datetime` > '2024-10-18 10:43:14' OR `t`.`end_datetime` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) AND `t`.`siteuser_group_id` IN (0, -1) GROUP BY `shop_items`.`id`) AS `t`
36 modules/core/exception.php
597 modules/core/database/pdo.php
80 modules/core/querybuilder/statement.php
3144 modules/shop/controller/show.php
67 hostcmsfiles/lib/lib_98/lib_98.php
278 modules/lib/model.php
151 modules/template/section/lib/model.php
801 modules/template/model.php
7 templates/template24/template.htm
103 modules/template/model.php
166 modules/core/page.php
146 templates/template18/template.htm
103 modules/template/model.php
166 modules/core/page.php
545 modules/core/command/controller/default.php
195 modules/core/router/route.php
235 index.php


Бесплатная доставка по Москве при заказе
от 30 000

АВВГнг(А) 5* 16 ок-0,66

Вес - 0,481
Форма ТПЖ - Круглая
Сечение ТПЖ - 16
Огнестойкий - Нет
Хладостойкий - Нет
Материал жилы - Алюминий
Безгалогенный - Нет
Бронированный - Нет
Количество жил - 5
Наличие экрана - Нет
Сфера применения - Для стационарной прокладки
Материал изоляции - Поливинилхлорид
Страна изготовителя - Россия
Цвет внешней оболочки - черный
Температура монтажа, С - не ниже -15
Форма поперечного сечения - Круглая
Номинальное напряжение, кВ - 0,66
Материал наружной оболочки - Поливинилхлорид
Нераспространяющий горение - Да
С низким дымо- газовыделением - Нет
С низкой токсичностью продуктов горения - Нет
Артикул: 0100182310
Подробные данные о товаре отсутствуют.
Отзывы о товаре отсутствуют.